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Freckles, A Cheeky Lizard

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Q: What’s your full name?
A: Freckles Petchmo Osterlie

Q: Tell us about yourself.
A:. I am a pretty mellow and chill kind of dude, but I do think quite highly of myself and that seems to make people laugh.

Q: What’s your favorite vacation spot?
A: I do not get out of the house very much, so my favorite vacation spot is the big branch in my terrarium. It is right under my UV light, so it feels nice and tropical. However, when I do get to get out of the house and go on a car ride, I love to box surf! This is where I run and slide around in my travel box.

Q: Your best play spot?
A: My favorite place to roam or walk is on “my” keyboard. My human will press the keys and I like to pretend I am playing it.

Q: Are you ever a naughty reptile?
A: My naughtiest deed is when I am hanging out with my human, I will be my normal mellow self, and just chill on her shoulder or keyboard. When she least expects it, I will make a run for it and jump as far as I can! One time I almost convinced her I was trying to escape.

Q: What’s your reptilian obsession?
A: I am obsessed with my two favorite hats. The first one was made for me by my friend Aubrey when I was just a little lizard. The other is a beanie my friend Emilee crocheted for me.

Q: What’s your favorite treat?
A: This might be gross to you, but my absolute favorite treats are wax worms! They look like little grub things and are positively delicious.

Q: What’s your guilty pleasure?
A: One of the best guilty pleasures is sitting on the heads or backs of my human friends, in just the right spot. Then I use my claws to give them just a little scratch. I will not move and because I am in the perfect spot, they just cannot seem to reach me. It’s quite funny.

Q: Where do you go to get pampered?
A: Being the lizard that I am, I don’t typically like a lot of pampering; however, I do love my toe baths. I get to soak my toes in warm water, and my owner, Emmalene, helps me remove any shedding left behind. It’s like a lizard pedicure.

Q: Where were you adopted from?
A: I was adopted from Petco in Lodi.

Q: What else should we know about you?
A: Something extra special about me is that hidden in the middle of my tail are three freckles (spots) that are in the shape of a smiley face. That is how I got my name.

Q: Who is your human parent?
A: Emmalene Osterlie