Stormin’ Norman, THE COW | Marie Antoinette, THE CHICKEN | Redbuck, Mr. Sanwood, AKA BUCK THE HORSE
I would describe my personality:
SN: I am mischievous, interested in everything, I am really, really cute and always hungry and kind of clumsy.
MA: Blingy, prissy and bossy.
BUCK: Strong, confident, and a fast learner.
What is your favorite vacation spot?
SN: The fluffy grass and sunny spot in the middle of the pasture.
MA: The highest roosting spot overlooking the ranch.
BUCK: The beautiful, lush pasture or sleeping in my sandy turnout.
What I love to do when I get to go along:
SN: I follow my human family all over. Whenever I see a stroller or wagon, I come bucking and running.
MA: Snuggles with my humans.
BUCK: Practice my moves in the arena and follow my girl Evelia Joy around the pasture.
My favorite place to play/roam/walk?
SN: I like it when I escape to the front porch of my human family. I have done it a few times, they just don’t like my pop.
MA: The chicken coop after fresh shavings.
BUCK: Anywhere with my human girl, Evelia Joy, and my horse girlfriend GiGi.
My guilty pleasure:
SN: Eating num nums out of kids and babies’ hands. (Num num is a code word for Purina Calf Starter.)
MA: Hogging mealworms.
BUCK: When Stormin’ Norman escapes, I LOVE to work him back into his pasture.
My naughtiest deed:
SN: Escaping through gates and under fences.
MA: Taking over the coop. I’m a bit territorial.
BUCK: Trying to climb in the muck bucket.
I am obsessed with:
SN: Food and escaping to see my humans.
MA: I know it’s obvious. Mealworms.
BUCK: Kisses and snuggles, chasing cows and learning new fancy dressage moves.
My most favorite, most wonderful treat:
SN: Num, Nums, I’m also really starting to like alfalfa.
MA: You’d think I would tire of them. Once again, mealworms.
BUCK: Fresh green grass.
Where to go to get pampered?
SN: The fence where I can easily see and call to my humans, so they come give me head rubs and treats. They spoil me.
MA: The coop. I mean chickens don’t have a lot of options here.
BUCK: The wash rack for baths and beautiful hair braiding.
I would like everyone to know that:
SN: I was born on New Year’s Eve weighing 95 lbs!. My Mom, Giselle, was in labor for over 24 hours. I am really fuzzy, and oh, so cute.
MA: I LOVE MEALWORMS. My life pretty much revolves around them.
BUCK: I almost died of West Nile Virus, but I came back stronger than ever. I really like kids to ride me bareback.
Where I was born:
SN: Lodi, CA., back pole barn, 9:50pm, New Year’s Eve 2022, weight: 95 lbs.
MA: Uncle Robert’s Farm
BUCK: Missouri