All posts tagged "Beauty"
Ann E. Butenas | June 29, 2016
Help for hair loss
As a kid, I had no shame reflex when it came to laughing at my grandmother and her...
Laura Leiva | May 27, 2016
Don’t be a scam victim
Every day, there are countless ways in which scammers or criminals go out looking for their next victim,...
Ann E. Butenas | May 27, 2016
Swimwear trends that flatter your figure
I confess. I have never been one who enjoys wearing swimsuits. I suppose it speaks to my lack...
Carrie Rowlands Johnson | April 29, 2016
Gemstones: new boost for skin care
Marilyn Monroe said it best when she uttered the now famous words, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.”...
Hope Ferguson | March 30, 2016
Don’t live with that scar
Remember when you were a little kid, and you fell and scraped your knee? Mom would kiss it...