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Layne Imada

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Layne Imada, co-owner and creative director of BGG West and BGG Creative, sat down with HERLIFE Magazine recently to share his dedication to family and community.

HLM: How long have you lived here? What do you love most?
LI: I have lived in Stockton for about 44 years now. My family moved up from Norwalk, California, to Stockton in 1978. What I love most about Stockton is the feeling of being “home.” Whenever I come back to Stockton from another city or area, the minute I get to Stockton, I feel at home. I guess it’s the comfortability and not-so-hectic pace, like living in Los Angeles or the Bay Area.

HLM: How is your heart inspired to serve the community?
LI: I have always felt the need to serve the community. To give back where and when I can is what is important to me. The community gives to me and I want to give back. There are a lot of people and organizations that need help. I know it’s a cliché, but if I can help just one person change their lives for the better and help them, then it’s worth it. There’s nothing like giving unconditionally.

HLM: What sparks joy for you?
LI: I would say my family and friends, especially my kids, wife, brother and mom. Not to mention my entire family, which includes all my cousins, uncles, in-laws and aunts. It’s a big family. My friends are special to me and are a part of the things I enjoy in life. Good friends are hard to come by. Some other sparks are fishing on a nice lazy day, reading a freshly opened comic book, drinking a real good cup of coffee, coaching football or just barbecue get-togethers.

HLM: What’s your free time passion?
LI: Spending time with the family. It’s the most important thing to me. My dad always said, “Make sure to spend time with your family, every chance you get.” So, I try to spend time with them as much as I can, albeit playing video games with them or going to restaurants. It seems the older they get, the harder it is to spend time with them. They grow so fast. So, any of my free time is with them, if they’re not busy.

HLM: Top three bucket list goals?
LI: Just three? I would like to visit Japan one day. I would like to go marlin and tuna fishing. I would love to learn to fly an airplane.

HLM: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
LI: This one is really tough. I have quite a few accomplishments I’m proud of and I feel I have many more yet to do. However, I think graduating from college is one of my biggest accomplishments. I worked very hard and committed a lot of my life to getting a college degree.

HLM: Can you describe a key event that had an impact on your life?
LI: My dad’s death. He had such an impact in my life and he was my best friend in the world. He was always there for me and sacrificed so much for me. He was always someone I could turn to for advice or help me through the bad times. So, when he died, my life completely changed. My responsibilities changed and it seemed the world was now left weighted on my shoulders. His death made me step up and be stronger than I was ever before, both mentally and physically.

HLM: Do you have a favorite quote?
LI: “Well, looks like we didn’t get dressed up for nothing.” ~Hamish, from the movie Braveheart.

HLM: What are you currently reading?
LI: The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History by John M. Barry.

HLM: Favorite food or dessert?
LI: My favorite food is a Margherita pizza on thin crust and my favorite dessert is a double scoop of French vanilla ice cream.