Marilyn Isaminger | August 29, 2018
Do Your Hands Reveal Your Age?
At the height of summer, I looked at my hands and thought, you are becoming your mother. Her...
Laura Leiva | July 31, 2018
Don’t Sweat It: Hyperhidrosis Isn’t Small Stuff
You’ve got a special presentation in an hour and all you can think about is the excess perspiration...
Laura Leiva | June 29, 2018
Preparing for Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast augmentation is one of the most common types of plastic surgery, but on the other hand, breast...
Linda Price | May 30, 2018
Color Care 101
Few things can enhance a woman’s beauty more than hair color that brings out the best in her...
Ann E. Butenas | May 1, 2018
It’s Healthy Vision Month: Maintain Yours!
As we advance in years, we inevitably realize changes in our physical being. Perhaps we have some aches...