Laura Leiva | May 30, 2019
Aloe Vera: The Wonder Plant
It’s a well-known plant with many medicinal uses, but did you know there were more ways to use...
Laura Leiva | April 30, 2019
Quick Makeovers for Mom
Mom does it all, taking care of everyone often before she has a chance to give herself a...
Laura Leiva | March 29, 2019
There’s an App for Beauty!
The smartphone is such an essential part of life now. From sending messages and engaging with friends via...
Linda Price | February 28, 2019
The 411 On Cellulite
Women look at their thighs and sigh. “What can I do with this cellulite?” they ask. They have...
Laura Leiva | January 28, 2019
To Cover or Not to Cover?
Your wedding day is around the corner, and no matter how mainstream tattoos have become, there are still...