Laura Leiva | August 28, 2017
Ten Questions for Your Plastic Surgeon
You’re in a consultation with your plastic surgeon, going over your upcoming procedure, when she asks, “Do you...
Laura Leiva | July 28, 2017
Beauty from Your Pantry
Have you ever looked at the ingredient list for your favorite beauty treatments and been hard pressed to...
Hope Ferguson | June 30, 2017
Removing Tattoos–and Regrets
We’ve all been told that the only constant in life is change. However, that may not apply if...
Hope Ferguson | May 30, 2017
Beautiful Results with Non-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures
We’ve all seen the commercial about the man or woman who inherits a double chin from an illustrious...
Merritt Rethlake | April 28, 2017
Look Your Best for Mother’s Day–and Every Day!
In celebration of family and Mother’s Day, look back at family photos and the years together with your...