Breast Augmentation: A Beautiful Result
Q: What is the recovery time after a breast augmentation?
A: Each patient is different and recovery time can vary depending on several factors such as implant size and placement. For the first few days, patients will experience tightness in their chest, fatigue, loss of sensation to breast or even hypersensitivity. In the weeks following surgery it is important to limit heavy lifting, some physical activity and follow the restrictions given by your surgeon while your implants are settling. Typically, patients fully recover from discomfort and limitations in six weeks. Your results will still continue to evolve over the next couple of months, appearing and feeling more natural over time.
Q: How long do breast implants last?
A: Breast implants are long-lasting and safe but are not considered “lifetime devices.” Today’s breast implants can remain in good shape for 20 years or more; however, the older your implants, the greater your risk of rupture or other complications. Some complications that can affect needing to remove or replace your implants would include capsular contracture, rippling, changes in implant position, or simply wanting a change in size.
Dr. Levi Young, board certified in plastic surgery, offers an extensive array of body contouring procedures and facial plastic surgery procedures,
and focuses on building an individualized treatment plan for every patient. Contact Advanced Cosmetic Surgery at 913-341-2188 to schedule a
free consultation.
4749 W. 134th St., Leawood, KS | 913-341-2188 | advancedcosmeticsurgery.com