Just Sayin’
Over the last couple of months, my morning radio show changed with the departure of my co-host. My precious boxer, Oscar, passed away. He lived nearly 13 years and for a big dog, that’s such a blessing. They say bad things happen in threes. I was absolutely terrified that my third thing would be a bad report at my mammogram follow-up scan. My doctor has been watching a suspicious spot on my left breast for a little while. This scan would tell us more. When I got the all clear, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. At the end of the day, if we have our health, we truly have everything.
But then, life goes on and the days get cluttered with stress and anxiety about things that pale in comparison to someone dealing with cancer. I headed to my annual dermatology check-up after a rough day at work and home. As my provider checked over my skin, she told me that she had recently been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. She’s a mom. She’s a medical professional who has dedicated her life to helping others avoid or treat the very disease that took over her body. My heart broke as she spoke. Then, her assistant nurse came into the room and I found out that she had just received a breast cancer diagnosis and was about to find out her treatment regimen. Two women, fighting battles that I would have never guessed from just looking at them.
My doctor shared this with me as I hugged her and told her I was sorry for dumping my seemingly silly personal problems on her as the appointment started, before I learned of her news. “Struggles aren’t always the same size. It doesn’t minimize one person’s issue versus another’s.”
I thought that was so incredible and the truth is, she’s right. We are all battling something.
Be kind. Always.
Jenny Matthews is the host of The Morning Drive on Q104 New Hit Country, weekday mornings from 6 – 10 a.m. Connect at jennymatthewsonair.com.
Photo by Brandi Wisdom