All posts by Ann E. Butenas
Ann E. Butenas | July 30, 2019
Stay Independent!
As we age, concerns about where we might live out our golden years become increasingly prevalent. Today, more...
Ann E. Butenas | June 28, 2019
The Choice: Assisted or Independent Living?
As we age, the thought of having to give up some of our independence may frighten us and...
Ann E. Butenas | May 30, 2019
Caring for Your Aging Mouth
Oral health, as we age, is incredibly important and has a direct effect on our overall health. Healthy...
Ann E. Butenas | April 30, 2019
Make the Most of Senior Discounts
Growing older has often been associated with a host of negative implications, but who wants to read about...
Ann E. Butenas | March 29, 2019
Healthy Nutrition Ideas for Seniors
As we age, many of our needs change. We may require new glasses or hearing aids; or maybe...