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Just Sayin’

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The weirdest thing happened to me the other night. After months of being cooped up in the house with no real social life to speak of, some girlfriends and I decided to get together for dinner and drinks. 

I was SO excited for a reason to get dressed in something other than athleisurewear. I was also excited to pig out! I was really gonna go for it after eating clean and working out faithfully pretty much since the first of the year (minus a few early cheat days/weekends). Yes. I was going to stuff my face with everything!

We sat down at the table. I looked over the menu. Everything looked delicious! But, I surprised myself by ordering a grilled chicken salad. I believe I said something like, “Who am I right now?!” I was really proud of myself. I’ve never had that kind of willpower. Even in my best days of working out on a regular basis, I never really fully committed to a super-healthy diet on a consistent basis. I can’t believe I’m at that place now. 

It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to let myself enjoy the extra calories. It was more about how I just didn’t want to lose the way I’ve been feeling. I just feel healthier. I have more energy because I’m fueling my body with the right things. Going to the grocery store is actually easier now because I know what to buy. My meals might not be as exciting anymore, but they’re yummy, satisfying and it feels good in my mind and body to know that I’m taking good care of myself.

Here’s a note of encouragement if you’re thinking about jumping on the healthy train and some things that got me started:

• Carrie Underwood’s book Find Your Path: Honor Your Body, Fuel Your Soul, and Get Strong with the Fit52 Life. She shares her personal journey toward optimal health and how she found the balance and meaning of true health. It’s super inspiring. 

 The MyFitnessPal app is extremely easy to use and really helpful while keeping track of what you’re eating and how much you’re exercising.

• The sugar detox headache doesn’t last forever. Keep going!

I hope this mindset lasts. Having my husband on board definitely makes it easier. I should probably cut this article out and tape it to my fridge or mirror as a reminder. In fact, I might just do that!

Good luck on your journey, too; we’ve got this!

Written by Q104 personality: Jenny Matthews

Jenny Matthews was on the air at Mix 93.3 for 15 years and recently moved to Q104 to co-host The Morning Drive with Mike Kellar + Jenny Matthews, 6:00 to 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. Check out her podcast, Real Life with Jenny Matthews, follow along with her blog and connect at