Featured Articles
Lisa Butler | November 1, 2024Raising The Roof: All About Your Roof
The roof is the pinnacle of our home, the highest peak in the place that provides us a...
Silver Linings
Lisa Butler | November 1, 2024Seniors and Cosmetic Dentistry: Enhancing Your Smile!
Just about everyone likes to look at a beautiful smile, and who doesn’t want a nice set of...
Laura Leiva | October 1, 2024Feeling Beautiful When Fighting Cancer
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as much as the focus is placed on raising money and...
Book Review
Marilyn Isaminger | October 1, 2024Never Leave the Dogs Behind, A Memoir by Brianna Madia
I chose this book while browsing the new books section of the library. Four dogs, one woman, the...
Rebecca Flansburg | October 1, 2024Fire Prevention Week Focus: Don’t Let Your Home be Smokin’ Hot!
They arrived one by one, meeting under the old oak tree in the backyard until everyone showed up...