All posts tagged "Working Women"
Tina V. Savas | March 31, 2017
Asking for What You Deserve: A Raise
Two years ago, the CEO of a major corporation created a firestorm when he said that women don’t...
Tina V. Savas | February 27, 2017
Recognizing Sexual Harassment
During the last six months of the country’s news cycle, two of the hottest topics under discussion were...
Dorothy Tannahill-Moran | February 1, 2017
Make your Resume and Cover Letter Work
A resume is the most foundational element to a job search, as you probably already know. What you...
Rebecca Flansburg | December 28, 2016
Coworking: A New Option for Small Business Owners
Imagine this: you are a small business owner who is conducting business from the sanctuary of home. But...
Lisa Marchand | November 28, 2016
Careers in STEM Expand Horizons
They say that actions speak louder than words, but sometimes numbers speak even louder. In an ever-growing tech-obsessed...