All posts tagged "Culinary"
Patty Cook | July 28, 2017
Alternate Food Sources
“Waiter, there’s a bug on my plate.” “Well, be quiet, or everyone will want one.” If you garden,...
Patty Cook | June 30, 2017
Eating Sustainably
People who love to cook often pay attention to small details. We want to eat as well as...
Patty Cook | May 30, 2017
Today’s Talk about GMOs
It’s no secret that I live to eat! I love working with food, whether it involves gardening, reading...
Patty Cook | April 28, 2017
Jerky: The New Artisanal Treat
I recently volunteered for a very fun job–creating a care package for a high school pal who is...
Patty Cook | March 31, 2017
Some Like It Really Hot!
One basic healthy food habit is selecting fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors. Here’s a culinary...