Patty Cook | May 28, 2015
Global Spices
As a home chef, I treasure the cookbooks and hand-written recipes that I have acquired over the years,...
Patty Cook | April 28, 2015
Cook Like a Professional
One of the first food lessons we learn is about flavor. Kids love sweets–candy, cookies, ice cream, sugary...
Patty Cook | March 30, 2015
Ingredients to Aid Digestion
“Don’t eat that! You’ll spoil your dinner!” As kids, this is how we learn that delicious foods we...
Patty Cook | February 23, 2015
Ask the Cook
I count myself lucky to have a diverse group of friends of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Many...
Patty Cook | January 28, 2015
Thermogenic Foods: Eating to Stay Warm
If you get tired of winter before it even begins, February may seem like the longest month of...